North Carolina, the Old North State and the New - Volumes 1-5
$6.99North Carolina, the Old North State and the New – Volumes 1-5 by Archibald Henderson
Vol. I. Index
Vol. I. I. The Roanoke Island Colony, 1584-87
Vol. I. II. England’s trading and colonizing companies
Vol. I. III. Old Albemarle as Virginia’s first frontier
Vol. I. IV. Graffenried’s colony and Tuscarora War
Vol. I. V. End of Proprietary rule, 1729
Vol. I. VI. Pattern of government under the crown
Vol. I. VII. Traders and settlers overflow into the Piedmont
Vol. I. VIII. Highland Scots and Scotch-Irish
Vol. I. IX. Royal governors and British “mercantile” system
Vol. I. X. The Granville district
Vol. I. XI. Albemarle and Cape Fear rivalries
Vol. I. XII. Scotch-Irish, Moravians, and friends
Vol. I. XIII. The western frontiers and the Cherokee
Vol. I. XIV. Revolt against British taxes
Vol. I. XV. Uprising of the Regulators
Vol. I. XVI. War of the Regulation, second phase
Vol. I. XVII. Enterprisers and promoters of western expansion
Vol. I. XVIII. The Watauga settlers
Vol. I. XIX. Expulsion of the royal governor
Vol. I. XX. Declaration of Independence, May 20, 1775
Vol. I. XXI. Moore’s Creek bridge
Vol. I. XXII. The “State of North Carolina”
Vol. I. XXIII. Men and supplies to the continental forces
Vol. I. XXIV. North Carolina in the culminating military campaigns
Vol. I. XXV. Separatist movements on the frontier
Vol. I. XXVI. Ratification of the federal constitution
Vol. I. XXVII. Early federalists
Vol. I. XXVIII. Washington’s southern tour
Vol. I. XXIX. National leaders from North Carolina
Vol. I. XXX. State of religion and beginnings of academy movement
Vol. I. XXXI. Town and country at the end of the century
Vol. I. XXXII. The Jefferson era
Vol. I. XXXIII. Education for the higher classes
Vol. I. XXXIV. North Carolina in the cotton kingdom
Vol. I. XXXV. The second war with Great Britain
Vol. I. XXXVI. The internal improvement era
Vol. I. XXXVII. A program of education
Vol. I. XXXVIII. I. Cultural growth and development (1585-1800)
Vol. I. XXXIX. II. Cultural growth and development (1585-1800)
Vol. I. XL. III. Cultural growth and development (1585-1800)
Vol. I. XLI. IV. Cultural growth and development (1585-1800)
Vol II. I. Toward new frontiers
Vol II. II. Pillars of the law
Vol II. III. Rise of Andrew Jackson
Vol II. IV. The mystery of the tariff
Vol II. V. The east-west sectionalism
Vol II. VI. Constitutional convention of 1835
Vol II. VII. The age of steam
Vol II. VIII. The era of public education
Vol II. IX. Transportation in the Piedmont
Vol II. X. The “Polk doctrine”
Vol II. XI. The Prosperous 1850s
Vol II. XII. The labor system, free or slave
Vol II. XIII. The last to secede
Vol II. XIV. The War’s first year
Vol II. XV. The second year
Vol II. XVI. The third year
Vol II. XVII. War’s end
Vol II. XVIII. Reconstruction by Andrew Jackson
Vol II. XIX. Reconstruction by Congress
Vol II. XX. Carpetbaggers and Ku Klux Klan
Vol II. XXI. Building on old and new foundations
Vol II. XXII. Building on old and new foundations
Vol II. XXIII. The eighteen-eighties
Vol II. XXIV. The early eighteen-nineties
Vol II. XXV. Before the turn of the century
Vol II. XXVI. The new century
Vol II. XXVII. The first decade
Vol II. XXVIII. The second decade
Vol II. XXIX. The second decade
Vol II. XXX. War’s involvements
Vol II. XXXI. The post-war decade
Vol II. XXXII. Post-war decade
Vol II. XXXIII. The depression years
Vol II. XXXIV. The new federal relationship
Vol II. XXXV. The recent years
Vol II. XXXVI. The evolution of culture (1800-1865)
Vol II. XXXVII. Cultural development. Twilight: 1865-1900
Vol II. XXXVIII. Cultural development. Dawn: 1900-1940
Vol III. North Carolina Biography
Vol IV. North Carolina Biography
Vol V. North Carolina Biography
Surname Index
Abbott, Aberdeen, Abernathy, Abernethy, Adams, Albertson, Alderman, Alexander, Allcott, Allen, Alley, Allsbrook, Alston, Altvater, Alves, Amadas, Amos, Anerum, Anders, Anderson, Andrews, Angel, Anthony, Archdale, Armfield, Armistead, Armstrong, Arnett, Arrington, Arthur, Ashby, Ashe, Ashley, Ashworth, Atkin, Atkinson, Attmore, Austin, Avent, Averitt, Avery, Aycock, Ayscue, Bacon, Badger, Badham, Bagge, Baggett, Bagley, Bailey, Bair, Baity, Baker, Balch, Bales, Ball, Bandy, Barbee, Barbour, Bardin, Barker, Barkley, Barwell, Barlow, Barlowe, Barnard, Barnes, Barnhill, Barnwell, Barr, Barringer, Barron, Basnight, Bason, Bass, Bassett, Batchelor, Battle, Batts, Baughman, Baynes, Beal, Beam, Beamon, Bean, Beard, Beasley, Bechtler, Belch, Bell, Bellamy, Benbow, Bender, Bennehan, Bennett, Benson, Benton, Berkeley, Bernheim, Berry, Best, Bickett, Biggs, Billings, Binford, Bingham, Birdsong, Bitting, Bivens, Bizzell, Blackledge, Blackmer, Blacknell, Blackshear, Blackwelder, Blackwell, Blair, Blake, Blakeley, Blalock, Bland, Blanton, Bloodworth, Bloomer, Blount, Blue, Bluethenthal, Blunt, Blythe, Boger, Boner, Boney, Bonnet, Bonney, Bonsack, Boone, Borden, Borglum, Bost, Boswell, Bour, Boutell, Bowen, Bowers, Bowie, Bowman, Boyd, Boyden, Boylan, Boyles, Boylston, Boyne, Brackett, Bracy, Bradley, Brady, Bragg, Brake, Bramham, Branch, Brandon, Branson, Brantley, Braswell, Brawley, Bray, Breach, Breece, Brenizer, Bretigney, Brett, Brevard, Brewer, Brickell, Bridger, Bridgers, Bridges, Briggs, Bright, Brinn, Brinson, Bristow, Broadfoot, Brondhurst, Broadnax, Brogden, Brooks, Broome, Browder, Brown, Browning, Brownrigg, Bryan, Bryant, Bryden, Bryson, Buchanan, Bulla, Bullock, Bulluck, Bulwinkle, Bunch, Buncombe, Bundy, Bunn, Burdette, Burgin, Burgwin, Burke, Burleson, Burney, Burns, Burr, Burrage, Burrington, Burt, Burton, Burwell, Butler, Bynum, Byrd, Byrum, Cabarrus, Cain, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callaway, Calloway, Cambreleng, Cameron, Campbell, Canby, Cannon, Cansler, Carlton, Carr, Carrick, Carroll, Carson, Carswell, Carter, Carteret, Caruthers, Cary, Casey, Castellw, Caswell, Cates, Catheart, Cathey, Caudell, Caudle, Cavendish, Chadwick, Chalk, Chamberlain, Chambers, Charlton, Chase, Chavis, Cheatham, Cherry, Cheshire, Chesson, Child, Childs, Choate, Christian, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clay, Clayton, Claytor, Cleveland, Click, Cline, Clingman, Cloninger, Coan, Contes, Cobb, Cobham, Cocke, Cocker, Coddington, Coffin, Coit, Coke, Coker, Colburn, Cole, Coley, Collett, Collins, Coltrane, Combs, Comer, Cone, Conley, Conner, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Coon, Cooper, Coppridge, Corbett, Corbin, Cordon, Corey, Costen, Cotten, Cotton, Couch, Coulter, Council, Couture, Covington, Cowan, Coward, Cox, Cozart, Craft, Craig, Craige, Craighead, Cranmer, Craven, Crawford, Creswell, Crew, Critcher, Croom, Crosland, Crouse, Crowell, Crumpler, Culpeper, Cuming, Cumming, Cummings, Cunningham, Currie, Curtis, Cushman, Cutchin, Daingerfield, Daly, Dameron, Daniel, Daniels, Darden, Dargan, Darrow, Darst, Daughtridge, Davenport, Davidson, Davie, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deans, Deaton, Deems, DeFoe, De Graffenried, DeGrotte, DeKalb, DeLaney, De Medici, Demere, DeMille, Denny, DePlanck, de Rosset, DeSchweinitz, Detargny, Dett, DeVane, Devereux, Devin, Devinney, Dick, Dickey, Dickinson, Dickson, Digges, Dillard, Dinwiddie, Dix, Dixon, Doak, Dobbin, Dobbs, Dockery, Dodd, Dodge, Dolley, Donaldson, Donelson, Donnelly, Dorsey, Dougherty, Doughton, Douglas, Dover, Dowd, Downs, Drage, Dry, DuBois, Du Bose, Duckett, Duckworth, Dudley, Duffey, Duffy, Dugger, Duke, Duncan, Dunlap, Dumore, Dunn, Durant, Durham, Dwelle, Dwight, Dwire, Eagles, Earl, Earnhardt, Eason, Eastchurch, Easterling, Eaton, Ebbs, Eden, Edmunds, Edney, Edwards, Ehringhaus, Eichhorn, Elkins, Ellenwood, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elmslie, Ervin, Erwin, Etheridge, Eure, Eustnee, Evans, Everard, Everett, Exum, Fain, Faircloth, Faison, Fallis, Falls, Fanning, Farmer, Farragut, Faucett, Fearing, Febles, Fentress, Ferebee, Fergus, Ferguson, Ferrand, Ferree, Fetter, Few, Ficklen, Fields, Fike, Finch, Finck, Finger, Finley, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitz-Patrick, Flack, Flagler, Flanagan, Fleming, Fletcher, Flinn, Flippin, Flora, Flowers, Floyd, Folger, Foote, Forbes, Foret, Forney, Forest, Forsythe, Forture, Fory, Foster, Fountain, Foushee, Foust, Fowden, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Frazier, Freeman, Fries, Frizzelle, Frohock, Froneberger, Fuller, Fulton, Funderburk, Fuches, Gaddy, Gainey, Gale, Gales, Gallant, Gallop, Galloway, Gambill, Garden, Gardner, Garren, Garrett, Garrison, Garriss, Gaskin, Gaston, Gates, Gatling, Gattis, Gautier, Gay, Gee, Gentry, George, Gerrard, Gibbons, Gibson, Giddens, Giffard, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillam, Gillespie, Gilmer, Gilmore, Gilreath, Gist, Glasgow, Glenn, Godbey, Godfrey, Goerch, Goff, Gold, Goode, Gooding, Goodloe, Goodnight, Goodwin, Goodwyn, Gore, Gorham, Gourley, Grady, Graff, Graffenried, Graham, Grainger, Granbery, Grant, Graves, Gray, Green, Greenbrier, Greene, Greewood, Greer, Gregg, Gregory, Grenville, Gresham, Gretler, Grey, Grier, Griffin, Griffith, Grigg, Griggs, Gimes, Grissom, Grove, Groves, Grumman, Guard, Guion, Guthrie, Guy, Gwyn, Hackney, Hagaman, Hagen, Hale, Hall, Halliburton, Halstead, Hambright, Hamer, Hamilton, Hamlet, Hamlin, Hammel, Hamrick, Hancock, Hand, Hanes, Hankins, Hanson, Hardee, Harding, Hare, Harget, Hargett, Hargrave, Hargrove, Hariot, Harkins, Harnett, Harper, Harrell, Harrelson, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Hartsell, Harvey, Hasell, Haskett, Hassell, Hatch, Hatcher, Hawes, Hawkins, Hawks, Haworth, Hay, Haydon, Hayman, Haywood, Hazleman, Heath, Hechenbleikner, Hedgpeth, Hedrick, Heffner, Hege, Heindel, Helms, Helper, Hemmingway, Henderson, Hendrix, Henry, Hentz, Herbert, Herman, Herndon, Heron, Herring, Hersey, Hertford, Herty, Hester, Hewes, Hickerson, Hicks, Higgins, High, Highsmith, Hill, Hilton, Hinton, Hobbs, Hobgood, Hodge, Hodgin, Hodgson, Hoey, Hoffman, Hogan, Hogg, Hoggard, Hogue, Hogun, Hoke, Holbrook, Holden, Holding, Holland, Hollowell, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Honeycut, Honeycutt, Honigman, Hood, Hooker, Hooper, Hoover, Hornbeck, Horne, Horner, Horton, Houdon, House, Houston, Hovis, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hoyle, Hoyt, Hubbard, Hudson, Huffman, Hughes, Humphreys, Humphries, Hundley, Hunnicutt, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hus, Husband, Huske, Huss, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutt, Hyde, Idol, Ingold, Inman, Innes, Iredell, Irvin, Irving, Irwin, Iseley, Ives, Ivie, Jack, Jackson, James, Jarrell, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jefferson, Jeffress, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Judd, Jurney, Jursta, Justice, Justis, Kafer, Kane, Kavanagh, Kearns, Keech, Keehln, Keesler, Keever, Keith, Kelly, Kemp, Kenan, Kendall, Kendrick, Kenna, Kennedy, Kennon, Ker, Kerr, Kibler, Kilgo, Kilgore, Killebrew, Killian, Kineheloe, Kinchin, King, Kinston, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkland, Kirkman, Kirkpatrick, Kiser, Kistler, Kitchin, Kizziah, Klenz, Klutz, Knight, Knox, Koch, Kochitzky, Koonce, Koontz, Kornegay, Kosterman, Kueffner, Kugler, Kyser, Lacy, Lael, Lamb, Lambeth, Lancaster, Land, Lane, Langston, Lanier, Lansche, Larkins, LaRoque, Latham, Lathan, Latta, Lawrence, Lawson, Lea, Leach, Leak, Leatherman, Le Conte, Lee, Leigh, Leinbach, Lemay, Lennon, Lenoir, Lentz, Leonard, Leutze, Leventhorpe, Lewellyn, Lewis, Lillinton, Lilly, Lindley, Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindsly, Lineback, Lineberger, Lingan, Link, Linnney, Little, Liverman, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Locke, Lockhart, Logan, London, Long, Lord, Loring, Love, Lowery, Lowrie, Lucas, Ludlow, Ludwell, Lukeman, Lunsford, Lusk, Luttrel, Lynch, Lynn, Lyon, Macartney, MacClamroch, MacDonald, Mackie, Macknight, Maclaine, MacLean, MacNider, Macon, MacRae, Madison, Madry, Maffitt, Mallett, Malloy, Malmedy, Mangum, Manly, Mann, Manning, Marey, Marion, Marling, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massenburg, Matheson, Matthew, Matthews, Matton, Maultsby, Mauney, Maxwell, May, Mayhew, Maynard, Mayo, McAden, McAllister, McAnally, McBee, McBryde, McCain, McClammy, McClamroch, McClelland, McCloskey, McCluer, McConnell, McCorkle, McCown, McCoy, McCulloh, McCutheon, McDonald, McDonnell, McDowell, McEachern, McElwee, McEwen, McFadyen, McGehee, McGhee, McGirt, McGready, McGuinness, McIntosh, McIntyre, McIver, McKimmon, McKnight, McLean, McLeod, McLeskey, McMichael, McMillan, McMullan, McNair, McNairy, McNeill, McNinch, McPheeters, McQueen, McRae, McRee, McWhorter, Meares, Mebane, Mechlin, Medford, Meekins, Mercer, Merrimon, Merritt, Messer, Metts, Mewborn, Mickeljohn, Miles, Miller, Milliken, Millis, Millner, Mims, Minor, Misenheimer, Mitchell, Mobley, Mock, Moeller, Monroe, Montfort, Moore, Mordecai, More, Morehead, Morgan, Moritz, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Moser, Moss, Mouzon, Mudgett, Mull, Mumford, Munford, Munroe, Murfree, Murphey, Murphy, Murray, Myatt, Myers, Nash, Neal, Neilson, Neiman, Neisler, Nelson, Nessfield, Nettles, Newell, Newsome, Newton, Ney, Nichols, Nicholson, Nixon, Noble, Noe, Noell, Norden, Norfleet, Norris, Nussman, Nye, O’Berry, Odell, Odum, Oglesby, Oldham, Olmsted, Omwake, Ormand, Osborne, Otey, Overman, Owen, Pace, Page, Paine, Palmer, Parham, Parker, Parrish, Parrott, Partridge, Paschall, Pate, Paton, Patrick, Patterson, Pattillo, Payne, Pence, Peace, Peacock, Peale, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Peele, Peeler, Pegram, Pell, Penick, Penn, Pennell, Pennington, Perkins, Perry, Person, Peters, Petteway, Pettigrew, Peyton, Pfeiffer, Pfohl, Phelps, Phifer, Phillips, Phipps, Pickens, Pickett, Picot, Pigott, Pilmoor, Pinnix, Pippen, Pitt, Pittman, Platt, Poe, Pogue, Poisson, Polk, Pollock, Pool, Poole, Poor, Pope, Porter, Pory, Post, Potent, Potter, Pou, Powe, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Pressly, Pretlow, Prevette, Price, Pritchard, Procter, Proctor, Prouty, Pryor, Pullen, Purviance, Pyle, Query, Quickel, Quince, Quincy, Quinn, Ragan, Ragsdale, Raleigh, Ramsay, Ramseur, Randall, Rankin, Ransom, Raper, Rawley, Ray, Rayner, Rea, Read, Reade, Reed, Reese, Reid, Reilley, Respis, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhyne, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Ricks, Riddick, Riddle, Ridley, Riggsbee, Robbins, Roberson, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Rochester, Rockefeller, Rockwell, Rodgers, Rodman, Rogers, Rollins, Rondthaler, Roper, Rose, Rosenthal, Rosenwald, Ross, Roulhac, Rountree, Rowe, Roxlo, Royster, Ruark, Ruckstuhl, Ruffin, Rumple, Russell, Rutherford, Rutherfurd, Salmon, Sampton, Sanders, Sanger, Sapp, Saunders, Sauthier, Sawyer, Scaggs, Scales, Scanlan, Schaw, Schenck, Schultz, Scott, Scruggs, Seaton, Seawell, Selden, Selwyn, Senter, Settle, Sevier, Sharpe, Shaver, Shaw, Shearer, Shelby, Shepherd, Sherard, Sherman, Sherrill, Shields, Shipp, Shirley, Shore, Shotwell, Shucker, Shuford, Shull, Shuman, Shuping, Shute, Sickles, Sifford, Sigmon, Sikes, Siler, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sing, Sink, Sitgreaves, Sitterson, Skinner, Slade, Sledd, Sledge, Sloan, Slocumb, Sloop, Small, Smathers, Smedberg, Smith, Smithwick, Smyre, Smyth, Smythe, Snyder, Solomon, Sondley, Sorrell, Sowers, Spaight, Spain, Spangenberg, Speight, Spencer, Spicer, Spiers, Spoon, Springer, Sprinkle, Spruill, Sprunt, Squires, Stacy, Staley, Stanley, Stanly, Stansill, Stanton, Starnes, Stearns, Stedman, Steel, Steele, Steene, Steffey, Stephen, Stevens, Stevenson, Stikeleather, Stiles, Stinson, Stith, Stockard, Stockton, Stokes, Stone, Strange, Strickland, Stringfield, Strother, Stroup, Strudwick, Stuart, Styles, Sullivan, Sully, Sumner, Suther, Sutton, Swaim, Swain, Sawlin, Swann, Sykes, Tally, Tanner, Tate, Taylor, Teague, Terry, Thackston, Thigpen, Thomas, Thomlinson, Thompson, Thomson, Thorpe, Tiernan, Tilley, Tillitt, Tipton, Tomlinson, Tompkins, Toms, Toon, Tourgee, Trenholme, Trimble, Tripp, Trivette, Trotter, Truitt, Tryon, Tucker, Tufts, Tugman, Turnage, Turner, Turrentine, Tuttle, Twiford, Tyler, Tyson, Umstead, Upchurch, Vail, Vance, Vanderbilt, Vanderlyn, Van Every, Vann, Van Noppen, Vardell, Varner, Varser, Vaughan, Venable, Vest, Vestal, Viverett, Voehringer, Vogler, Vollers, Vollmer, Von Kocktitzky, Von Schweinitz, Von Steuben, Waddell, Wade, Wagner, Wagstaff, Wait, Walker, Wallace, Wallis, Walpole, Walser, Walton, Ward, Ware, Warfield, Warlick, Warner, Warnock, Warren, Warrick, Washington, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Waynick, Weaver, Webb, Weddington, Weeks, Weil, Wellborn, Wells, Wesley, West, Weston, Westray, Wharton, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whichard, Whisnant, Whistler, Whiacre, Whitaker, White, Whitefield, Whitehead, Whitehurst, Whitener, Whitfield, Whiting, Whitley, Whitman, Whitsett, Whittlesey, Wicker, Wiggins, Wilcox, Wiley, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willcox, Williams, Williamson, Willingham, Willson, Wilson, Wimberley, Winborne, Winchester, Winslow, Winston, Wishart, Witherington, Witherspoon, Wolfe, Wollett, Woltz, Womble, Wood, Wooall, Woodard, Woodman, Woodside, Woodson, Wooten, Wootten, Worsley, Worst, Worth, Worthington, Wrenn, Wright, Wyatt, Yancey, Yarborough, York, Young, Youngblood, Yount, Yow, Zealy, Zeisberger